Say hello to another new staff member at the Tolland Public Library

In honor of National Library Week, the Tolland Public Library Foundation is introducing and celebrating the new staff members at the Tolland Public Library.

Thank you to Frank James for the photo.

Karen Duhamel Lambert
Circulation Assistant
How long have you been at the Tolland library?  6 weeks
Favorite Book: “Trickster’s Queen” by Tamora Pierce
Fun Fact: “I have completed National Novel Writing Month twice.”

Circulation Assistant Karen Duhamel Lambert

Meeting the New Tolland Public Library Employees

To mark National Library Week, the Tolland Public Library Foundation is introducing and thanking the new staff members of the library.

Stop by and say hello to:

Anna Mae Wasielewski
Circulation Assistant
How long have you been at TPL? 10 Months
Favorite Book: “A Darker Shade of Magic” by V.E. Scwab
Fun Fact: “In my free time, I’m a Fire Wizard in an online fantasy world.”

Circulation Assistant Anna Mae Wasielewski

Photo by Frank James


Celebrating the Tolland Public Library Staff

The Tolland Public Library Foundation board of directors showed their appreciation April 4
for the Tolland Public Library staff, including Library Director Barbara Pettijohn, at the start of

National Library Week.

Treasurer Jan Rubino, at left, and Vice President Daniela Boebert Titterton, at right, dropped off plants, seeds and cards to thank Barbara, at center, and her staff for their exemplary service year-round.

Library Foundation Board Treasurer Jan Rubino, at left; Library Director Barbara Pettijohn, center, and Vice President Dani Titterton, at right


Thanks to Robert Rubino for the photos.

April 4 to 10 is National Library Week!

The Tolland Public Library Foundation will mark National Library Week April 4 to 10 with some posts celebrating the Tolland Public Library, Library Director Barbara Pettijohn and her hard-working staff that helps Tolland residents and library patrons all year long.

In particular, we’ll be introducing the new staff members all week. Thank you to Frank James of Tolland for the photos.

Lori Ferguson
Library Technical Coordinator
How Long at the Tolland Public Library: Seven months
Favorite Book: “The Secret Life of Bees” by Sue Monk Kidd
Fun Fact: “I’ve flown in helicopters several times.

Library Technical Coordinator